Thank you for installing Window Resizer

Don't forget to check out the settings page and learn about all the options that are available to you (and there are quite a few). Among other things, you can do the following:

  • Edit the presets list to fit your own needs. No one test their layouts for all of the devices out there but there isn't a definitive list of the most important ones either... It's up to you to decide which are the most important for you! :)
  • Learn how you can use the extension by using only your keyboard. If you're one of the many productivity freaks out there, then you'll just love this: you won't ever have to reach for your mouse to re-size your window because Window Resizer has keyboard shortcuts for EVERYTHING
  • Learn about the cool tools Window Resizer provides, like the "Rotate" or the "Live Measurement" tool.
  • ...and let's not forget about the various visual customization options it provides!